10 Favourite Photos from 2022 as a Wedding Photographer in New Brunswick

So I did the math, and I took about 55,000 – 65,000 wedding photos last year. AND THEN I somehow thought it would be fun to try and narrow that down to my 10 favourite. 

If you’re new here, hi! I’m Hannah. I’ve been a wedding photographer in New Brunswick for the last 3 years (and absolutely loving every minute of it). I specialize in being a bit of a wallflower on a wedding day and having a 6th sense for all the little moments going on around me that not everyone may see as photo worthy (which is exactly the way many of these photos below came to be). I believe that a wedding day is not a photo shoot, it’s the day when all of those who you love most get together to celebrate something once in a lifetime, and it should be documented as such. 

My top 10 as a Wedding Photographer in New Brunswick!!

Please enjoy a few of my favourite images from 2022 (in no particular order) and a little backstory that goes along with them to help you see them through my eyes! 

Backyard wedding in Fredericton, New Brunswick

Gosh if you’ve been to my website you’d know how much I love this one because it’s the very first thing you see. There is so much I love about this photo. First of all the emotion, this was such a fun and energetic backyard wedding, all the friends and family were just standing together on the deck in front of them cheering, laughing, and crying so to me, this photo really showcases the energy of the day. I love the big blooming hydrangeas. This wedding took place in the backyard of the brides childhood home and those hydrangeas have been there and loved for a very long time so I think it adds such a sentimental element to this photo and I can just imagine her looking back at these in 40 years and being reminded of her mothers hydrangeas. The thing I love the most about this photo is that the focus is on the officiant. Some people may not understand it or think it was a mistake but it was actually very intentional because the officiant was the groom’s grandfather and it was very special that he was able to marry them. So I love that I was able to get this photo that really highlighted him and I know it’ll be a keepsake for the couple. 

Fall Elopement at Odell Park in Fredericton, New Brunswick

I love this image because it takes me back to the simplicity of the day and the priorities of the couple. It was an intimate elopement at Odell Park, just the couple, 2 friends, and the officiant and I there to witness. The couple just wanted a laid back, fun, non traditional day and when it came time to sign the papers we realized there wasn’t a plan for where to do so. The 2 friends in attendance had a guitar with them because they sang together during the ceremony so that ended up being used as the signing table and I just wouldn’t have had it any other way. I think it was just so fitting and I love how this photo takes me back to that moment. These very casual, non-traditional elopement style celebrations seem to be on the rise where I live and it’s just another thing (on a long list of things) that I really enjoy about being a wedding photographer in New Brunswick. 

Intimate Wedding at Angelview Park in Fredericton, New Brunswick

This was another small, intimate celebration all about keeping things simple. With a very short guest-list of close family and friends, it was fun to be able to easily get photos like this that included everyone. It was one group of people that got to spend the day together and I loved how cozy it all felt. The ceremony actually took place at this little park in Fredericton, and the couple was so relaxed about the plans that this location was actually chosen the morning of the wedding (which is another reason I love what this photo represents). After the I dos, they walked back down the short aisle and the bride was handed a bottle of champagne by her incredibly sweet father and then this photo just kind of fell into place.

Big Summer Wedding at The Wedding Barn in Miramichi, New Brunswick

This is a very special photo of the bride’s father. He had just walked her down the aisle and as she was taking her place beside her soon to be husband, he very carefully arranged her long veil behind her. I was just so touched by the way he took his time to make sure it was perfect. I love the energy fathers can add to a wedding day and I think this photo showcases that so well. 

Beautiful May Wedding in Doaktown, New Brunswick

Ou I adore this one so much. It’s more of a detail photo than the others in this list but I still think it holds so much emotion. This was shortly after the ceremony, we were taking couple portraits in a few of their favourite places. I simply asked them to embrace, with no further instruction because I wanted to see what that naturally looked like for them. There was just something so delicate about the way the groom held her. As if he got to whisper the word wife to his soulmate for the very first time and all was suddenly right in the world. That, on top of the slight breeze that moved the veil to the side just far enough to see his wedding band shining in the May sun, makes it the perfect photo in my eyes. 

Summer Wedding at Family Cottage on Oromocto Lake, New Brunswick

I’m sure I don’t even have to explain why I love this photo. If you’re looking at this with no idea who these people are, it still evokes emotion, doesn’t it? Because what in this world is more precious to us than our grandparents? And if you’re currently planning your own wedding you’re probably either wishing that your grandparents were still here to share it with you or praying that they will still be here when the day comes. This photo shows the overwhelming joy that comes with having your grandparents at your wedding. A luxury that not everyone has, that is to be appreciated wholeheartedly.  

Fall Wedding at the Oceanstone Seaside Resort in Indian Harbour, Nova Scotia

This one was a favourite of mine the second I took it, before I even saw it on the back of my camera. A moment so simple and sweet that I was lucky enough to see through the bustle of a crowd. The ceremony was finished and everyone had just walked down the aisle, there was a big group of family and friends hugging, crying, and sharing their congratulations. In the midst of all the love, this adorable little flower girl snuck in and snuggled up to the bride, and I just thought it was perfect. I find that you have to be very intentional to get photos like this of children on a wedding day. They don’t typically love the posed “stand still and smile” photos (who does??), and because it’s such a long day they’re often off to the side getting entertained or comforted, so I’m always on the lookout for these special moments to document. 

Big Summer Wedding at the Delta in Fredericton, New Brunswick

This one is so different from the rest and it puts a big ol smile on my face every time I see it. So basically, the wedding reception was at the Delta in Fredericton and later in the evening everyone was mingling outside. The groomsmen all went over to the groom and were like “hey we know we already got pictures together today but we want to get a really nice one of all of us by the pool, it will look really good”. And this incredibly sweet, unsuspected groom was like “sounds great, thanks so much for suggesting that guys!”. So we made our way to the pool and he just had no idea what they were planning and then they said let’s all crouch down for the picture (and he still had no idea), and at this point a bunch of friends and family had gathered to see what was going on. Then I took a few photos of them all smiling by the pool and then one of the groomsmen fully tackled him into the pool. And I was slightly worried he would be upset but that big beaming smile never left his face, he was just the nicest guy ever. I think they’ll all get a laugh looking back at this over the years!

Summer Wedding at Family Cottage on Oromocto Lake, New Brunswick

A sunset reception on the lake. The beautiful backdrops like this are one of the best parts of being a wedding photographer in New Brunswick, this province has the loveliest scenery around every corner. This little piece of waterfront heaven has been in the bride’s family for a very long time. It holds so many great memories which made it the perfect place for the couple to share their I dos. I love how this photo captures the true atmosphere of the evening. I have never laughed so hard during speeches and I was so happy to have been in just the right spot at just the right time to take this photo so that the couple can always remember this joy filled night. 

Fall Wedding at the Oceanstone Seaside Resort in Indian Harbour, Nova Scotia

This one was taken before the ceremony. The couple snuck away to do a first look and privately read their vows before guests started to arrive. I was documenting it from a distance and when I went around to the side I realized that the lighthouse was placed perfectly between them and I loved it so much. With the focus set on the background, I feel like this photo really sets the scene for the day. A perfectly overcast fall day on the shore of Nova Scotia. It feels calm, intimate, and romantic, just like it did in the moment.

Want to see more?

If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU. It means the world to have you stroll through memory lane with me. If you’d like to see more of my favourite photos from over the years since becoming a wedding photographer in New Brunswick, you can head on over to my portfolio which is updated often!

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based in new brunswick.
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New Brunswick 